2021 Conference videos and presentations
Links in boldface are to recordings of (most of) the sessions from this year’s SMC Conference. For some sessions we have also provided links to the slides and other follow-up material. We are very grateful to the presenters who have shared them with us! The SMC Journal will also, as usual, feature articles based on talks from this year’s conference.
For an overview of all the sessions, please see the programme for the day.
Please note that the recordings are hosted on Youtube and other material on Google Drive. All of them are publicly available; if you can’t view them then please take this up with your institutional IT support.
Welcome and presentation of the SMC Achievement Award. Carol Lyon, Scottish Mathematical Council.
Keynote. Is Teaching for Mastery Just “Good Teaching”? Fiona Allan. Slides.
C. Corona Conundrum Capers. Chris Smith, Grange Academy. Slides (PDF, 9MB).
D. Embedding Literacy Strategies in the Mathematics Curriculum. Fiona Sloane. [Start of recording missing: sorry!] Slides (PDF, 1.5MB). See also the questions for Task 1 (Word, 360KB; adapted from Teejay Book 3a, BGE Mathematics & Numeracy, Hodder Gibson) and some further resources (external link).
E. Developing Mathematical Talk in the Primary Classroom. Sarah Howlett, White Rose Maths.
F. University of Edinburgh (online) Maths Circles, Open Ended Maths Problems and Wider Participation. Francesca Iezzi, Ben Goddard, Mary O’Brien and Yanna Peixoto, University of Edinburgh. Slides (PDF, 600KB). See also the Knights Problem (PDF, 200KB), the Maths Circles Resource Pack (PDF, 900KB), the slides from their pre-recorded talk (PDF, 1MB), and the recording of that talk (Zoom link).
G. Taking Numeracy and Mathematics Outdoors. Iona Coutts and Jaclyn Andrews, Education Scotland / Foghlam Alba. Slides (PDF, 3MB). See also the Numeracy and Mathematics Professional Learning Community (Glow login required) and a recording of the Maths Outdoors Webinar (Youtube, 1 hour).
H. Building Better Basics. Sarah Leakey, Highland Council / Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd. Slides (PPT, 82MB).
I. Developing Thinking in Pupils with SEND. Alan Edmiston, editor of Equals.
J. A Surprising and Fruitful Theorem. Daniel Wolf-Root, Hutchesons GS. Slides (PPT, 3MB).
K. Don’t Say That! Fiona Allan. Slides (PPT, 7MB) See also the report by Churches & Allan (2013) (PDF, 1MB), the Influencing with Language cards (PDF, 250KB), and the list of words with two meanings (PDF, 250KB) compiled from the chat!
L. Multiple Representations: Fractions. Roisin McArdle, St Andrew’s Academy. Slides (PPT, 3MB).
M. Fractals All Around Us. Jonathan Fraser, University of St Andrews. Slides (PDF, 7MB).
N. Counting Collections. Seonaid Cooke and Julie Brewer, Highland Council / Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd. Slides (PDF, 13MB).
Q. Using DESMOS to Support Teaching N5 and Higher Maths. Neil Tilston, Monifeith HS. Slides (PPT, 800KB).
R. Teaching for Mastery: discussion. Fiona Allan. Slides (PPT, 2.5MB).
S. Conquering Place Value. Carol Lyon, Scottish Mathematical Council. Slides (PDF, 6MB).
T. Applications of Mathematics: embedding learning in global contexts from S1 to Higher. Corinne Angier, University of Stirling. Slides (PPT, 1MB).
U. Towards Progression in Fractions Knowledge and Skills. Andy Thompson, Northern Alliance, and Sarah Leakey, Highland Council / Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd. Slides (PPT, 71MB).
V. Exam-Style Questions for Higher Applications of Mathematics. Colin McGugan, Principal Assessor for Higher Applications of Mathematics. Slides (PPT, 8MB).
W. Teaching for Understanding: Solving Equations. Stuart Welsh, LaSalle Education. Slides (PPT, 2MB).
X. Re-emerging from Teaching Online: the lessons learned. Tara Harper, University of Dundee. Slides (PPT, 200KB).
Y. Proof by Induction in SQA Advanced Highers. Chris Sangwin, University of Edinburgh. Chris has suggested that the best place to find out more is his article with Maryam Alarfaj in the SMC Journal 2020, pp. 79-86.
Z. Improving mathematical learning in primary and secondary through problem posing. Paul Argyle McDonald, Viewforth HS.
AA. Teaching for Mastery: resources and materials. Fiona Allan. Slides (PPT, 15MB).
BB. Developing a Problem-Solving Approach. Yvonne Somerville and Nanette Brotherwood, Education Scotland / Foghlam Alba. Slides (PDF, 2MB).
CC. Curriculum and Task Design. Chris McGrane, Holyrood HS. Slides (PDF, 5MB; external site).
DD. Early Level Numeracy. Elisabeth Kelly and Jane Cunningham, Midlothian Education. Slides (PDF, 2MB).
EE. Engaging the Disengaged. John Barton, NANAMIC. Slides (PDF, 1MB).
FF. Numeracy and Maths Champions. Allistair Cruickshanks, Wallace HS. Slides (PPT, 131MB; external link).
GG. Visualising Topics in National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Using the New, Free Autograph. Douglas Butler and Robert Smith, LaSalle Education. [Start of recording missing: sorry!] Slides (PPSX, 2MB). See also this summary sheet (PDF, 600KB) of uses for Autograph in the Scottish curriculum.
HH. Revisiting CAME. Alan Edmiston, editor of Equals.
II. Engaging Your Pupils Wherever They Are. Zoe Sinclair and Mara Young, Sumdog.
JJ. Show Your Working. Katie Oldfield, Maths Week Scotland, and Debbie Mathers, Aberdeen Science Centre.
KK. DESMOS Teacher Dashboard: An Interactive Introduction. Jay Teach. Slides (DESMOS online presentation).
LL. The Magic of Magic Squares. Adam McBride, University of Strathclyde and freelance legend. Slides (PDF, 100KB).
MM. What Can We Learn From the English…? Simon Johnson, Bearsden Academy. Slides (PDF 2.3MB)