Mr Chris Smith, MBE
Chris Smith started teaching Maths at Kilmarnock’s Grange Academy back in 2006. He joined the Scottish Mathematical Council in 2014 and currently is an Associate Member, responsible for liaising with the secondary Enterprising Mathematics in Scotland team. Chris is involved in various Maths Week Scotland initiatives: filming the Daily Challenges with the BBC and running the annual Maths wi nae Borders competition. Chris is a former Scottish Teacher of the Year. Chris sings about Maths (hits include the PiMCA and Use a Ruler), speaks about Maths (including at the SMC Conference most years), writes about Maths (his book “That’s Mathematics” came out in March 2023), geeks out about Maths (he’s been writing a weekly Maths newsletter, with almost 5000 subscribers, since 2007), celebrates Maths (his TEDx talk is about PiDay antics), tweets about Maths (as @aap03102) and probably dreams about Maths…