Scottish Mathematical Council Membership

Published on: 25 September 2023

The Scottish Mathematical Council’s aims are to foster and improve mathematical education at all levels, and to encourage the advancement and application of mathematics throughout Scotland. It meets three times a year to discuss and plan SMC activities, such as the conference, journals, and competitions. The Council is consists of not fewer than thirteen but not more than sixteen full members, in addition to any associate members or observer members. Full members serve for a maximum of six years, with a review after the first three years.

We are currently seeking nominations for service to the Council: both for ordinary memberships (normally a current or retired educator in mathematics or someone whose main employment is in some field of mathematical work) and for a specialist Business and Industry Representative whose primary concern is the creation of partnerships with business/industry and income generation. If you would like to self-nominate, or would like more information, please contact the Secretary via [email protected].